Saturday, October 07, 2006

suddenly everything has changed

This is a song by The Flaming Lips that I've always enjoyed:

Putting all the vegetables away
That you bought at the grocery store today
And it goes fast
You think of the past
Suddenly everything has changed

Driving home, the sky accelerates
And the clouds all form a geometric shape
And it goes fast
You think of the past
Suddenly everything has changed

Putting all the clothes you’ve washed away
And as you’re folding up the shirts you hesitate
Then it goes fast
You think of the past
And suddenly everything has changed

The lyrics themselves don't accurately sum up why the song is interesting. The way they do the music bears an uncanny resemblance to remembering's hard to describe, but fascinating. It's like they turned the process of reminiscing into a song. I often find myself repeating that line - "suddenly everything has changed." Now is definitely one of those times.

On a more mundane level, we beat LSU today. Hooray. And a couple of people came over to watch The Royal Tenenbaums. I can't get enough of that movie. Wes Anderson's ability to capture sadness, family troubles, neglect, and love is just beautiful. And I love how he captures these elements of reality through such bizarre characters and events.

That's all for now. I have a lot on my mind and heart these days, but I'm still processing a lot. Next week is going to be pretty nuts in the school department.



Anonymous said...

"a couple people" are nameless aye =) I enjoyed that movie a lot (sorry for the distractions...). hope your school stuff goes well this week. thinkin' of ya =)

Anonymous said...

i wanna come over to watch T.R.T.!!! can we involve sushi? i got your msg on my way home from el aeropuerto. THANKS. i'm curious- about the mundane AND the stuff you're chewing on. so. let's talk. let's ta-a-a-alk. - sis

Anonymous said...

hmm. i do believe this is an understatement. things have more than changed. but i'm down. :)