Thursday, February 07, 2008

Back (Again) with Lots of Thoughts

Hey everyone,

Well, I think I'm back to blogging regularly. It's been a very interesting and exciting first six months of marriage. Allow me to update you on some things...


I've been reading and listening to lots of books on different subjects these days. These have consisted in several books by Dr. Andrew Weil, a few by Jim Cramer, one called Learned Optimism, and many more. They basically break down into finance, health, and relationships.

Recently finished books that have hit me hard include Each for the Other and The DNA of Relationships. Yes, I am in fact a married man now.


I am just about finished with school. I'll be graduating in May with my degree in religion. I am finishing up my thesis this semester. It's been a long, slow road, but ultimately a good one.


Many of you know that I've decided to pursue a career in financial planning. This requires becoming certified by the CFP Board. The process includes education, a massive test, and a ton of experience. I'm really excited about it, though. I've really gotten into this kind of thing through podcasts like The Money Guy and The Disciplined Investor.

I hope to take this certification and start a private practice. Eventually, I would like to merge my interests in religion. It would be ideal for me to get an M.Div. and manage some sort of charitable trust portfolio or become a non-profit financial consultant.


Christian Service Network has not died. It has just taken a much, much longer time to get it going. Inquire within for details and to help.

That's all for now. Keep checking back. I plan on really using this thing now. I need the outlet.


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