Quote of the day: "These homosexuals haven't been to church in years because they feel like Christians despise them. And do you know why? Because Christians despise them." - Tony Campolo
Sad, but true, Mr. Campolo. What are we going to do about it?
So, today the Emrod came to visit. It was so much fun. The day consisted of:
• Eating at Greenfields Cafe, one of the nicer places to eat on campus.
• Giving her the ignorant, visiting student tour of Notre Dame (my roommate would be disappointed in me).
• Showing her the dorm.
• Going downtown.
• Getting some delicious espresso beverages at Chocolate Café.
• Wandering aimlessly looking for dinner.
• Going on an adventure to find a pizza place called Rocco's.
It was a smashing good time. I can't even explain it. Who is Emily Roderick?
Hopefully it won't be the last time she comes to visit.
So, masantos pretty much just changed my life (what else is new?). I was responding to an email she wrote when I decided to look up a book she told me she was reading. It's called Good News About Injustice. Here's what transpired at approximately 10:45 tonight:
• Look at table of contents on Amazon.
• Notice the copyright (International Justice Mission).
• Look up on ND Libraries web site.
• Write down call number.
• Get up.
• Walk to library.
• Elevate to 12th floor.
• Pull out book.
• Realize I've found the "Christianity and Social Issues" section.
• Figuratively explode.
• Check out book.
• Go back to dorm.
I'm really excited. The book just rose to the top of my list, right up there with "Poverty in America: A Handbook" and "Ministries of Mercy."
I also overslept today and did zero French.
Next adventure: Chicago to see Katie.
P.S. My friend Bob sent me a list of recommended books regarding poverty and such. I will post it soon for those interested.
envious beyond comprehension that you got to spend real time with emrod.
thrilled beyond comprehension that you were as excited about that book as i was. if i had the influence of hitler in the '30s i would subject all believers to the read.
sam, i feel so honored to have been able to experience notre dame with you. what a random blessing God granted us!! (let the record show that i would drive around lost with you anyday. i was becoming quite fond of those circles we were making.) have fun in chicago this weekend. i'm pretty jealous and wish i could be there when you experience that city for the first time. i can't wait to hear about it. i hope you fall in love with it as much as i have.
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