Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Christianity is not about being a good person.

I just wanted to get that out of the way. If any of you are now thinking, "I hope he's not saying that because of something I said/did!", cut it out. I'm not. I just felt like it needed to be said.

So this is my 60th post already. I'm a blogging fiend. That's what happens when you spend your days in libraries.

After reading up on religion and authority in Carthage, doing some French, and reading more Noam Chomsky, I watched Coffee and Cigarettes, per the recommendation of Matt. It has a star-studded cast, including Roberto Benigni, Steven Wright, Bill Murray, and all kinds of other crazy people. It's basically a string of only somewhat connected meetings between people over coffee and cigarettes. It's pretty entertaining, though I feel like it would have been much better enjoyed with friends, rather than in a library. Of course, by the end I was dying for a cup of coffee and a cigarette (and then I realized cigarettes are gross). I think my favorite conversation was between Iggy Pop and Tom Waits. It was pretty priceless.

There were a few others parts of the movie that were pretty excellent because they had some really awkward moments. It almost made you wonder if it was non-fiction. If you've ever watched the British version of The Office, you'll know what I mean.

I decided that I need another break from fbook for a few days. Coincidentally, I read my Bible tonight for the first time in quite a long time. I also got Sarahmisu to send me some RUF songs. I am listening to them over and over again. Man, I really miss those folks, especially my good friend Djembe (or Da-jembe as some people call him).

Have I mentioned how much I love Elliott Smith? Why did he have to kill himself? I'm embedding a few of my favorite songs by him below for your watching pleasure. Warning for those who may get offended: the second one has a few curse words. Oh, and third one is a John Lennon cover (it's pretty much amazing). And by the way, Elliott's live performances don't let you see his unfathomable prowess at recording songs. You should go buy all of his albums.



Anonymous said...

Jealous guy? Mm. I'll try to send you some more songs soon =)

Anonymous said...

sam. you are totally a link on the blog of someone we know. that's how i got here. i'll leave it to you to sniff it out. i love you...sair

Anonymous said...

ah-HA! AH-HA!

I was only going to say that I *almost* bought a used Elliot Smith cd in Chattanooga but put it back in favor of a cookbook... but then I saw Sarah's comments. And the ah-ha's just sort of came out.

You see. So. I love this blogging world.

Thanks for the vids. Now that I have finally heard Elliot (though in an inferior format), I shall have to start looking for his cds in earnest. I look forward to seeing you before school, Sam.

(Hi, Sarah!)