I'm emotionally and intellectually exhausted. For those of you that pray, pray for me. For those of you that don't, think happy thoughts.
Today I watched Nuit et Brouillard (Night and Fog). Before you say anything, I watched it with subtitles - my French isn't nearly that good yet. I don't know if I can really express how brilliant, thought-provoking, and shocking these 32 minutes are. The film was made in 1955 and is a string of footage from the Holocaust concentration camps, contrasted with footage of the camp sites 10 years later. Just go watch it, and we'll talk.
I leave you with the end of a poem I found in that book I got in Wicker Park. It's called Poem for My Twentieth Birthday:
For my birthday thrust into the adult and actual:
expected to perform the action, not to ponder
the reality beyond the fact,
the man standing upright in the dream.
Pretty relevant.
Good night.
1 comment:
will pray. AND think happy thoughts. :) (so if your intense sister is thinking happy thoughts, are they intensely happy?) 'was great to talk...skj
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