Sunday, July 16, 2006

Musical Presents

So, first of all, I've created a musical gift for all of you. It's called Me and You and Everyone We Know in honor of the worst movie of all time that the Orlando gang watched together (good times). It's about how much I miss everyone (you'll need to unzip it). Be warned: it's cheesy and poor quality. And don't be offended if I forgot to mention you. It was starting to sound like an Academy Award acceptance speech. Nothing personal - I miss everyone. The style was inspired by JT, who recently wrote a similar song for a friend of ours.

That reminds me, as an addendum to the song and to make up for my poor memory, to remind everyone to vote for Chris Gerrard at some point in the next 20 years. I'm pretty sure he'll be sharing the ticket with Sheri Valera, who will be Vice President under Gerrard and then become our first female president.

I've discovered Antony and The Johnsons thanks yet again to JT. Go download Hope There's Someone right now. You will either love it or hate it. Personally, it's been haunting me for days now.

I pretty much spent the weekend hanging out with JB and his friends. It was pretty fun, but its lack of amazingness inspired me to write the above.

Onward, Cyprian, onward!


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