Today I watched La Vita è Bella. It was, to say the least, a beautiful movie. It deserves all the hype it got back in 1997. The film does a marvelous job capturing a flurry of conflicting emotions. Wow.
I came across these lyrics today and thought them quite applicable to many people these days:
"And it never comes off like you planned it!
Something once was delivered, then you banned it
But, oh, there is a key to this thing..."
Nothing like some Destroyer lyrics to get you thinking. That's from Notorious Lightning. I highly recommend it. In fact, not much would make my day better than someone else finally getting into Destroyer.
My tickets to Pitchfork arrived at Katie's the other day. How exciting. Unfortunately, she will not be joining me. So, this has the potential of being quite an adventure - getting down to Union Park all by lonesome and surviving an intense music festival. I also learned that The Autumn Defense (the band whose album I bought in Wicker Park) will be playing the night before the festival at a place called Martyrs'. Unfortunately, due to the wonders of American law, it's 21-and-up. Way to go. I can die for my country, but I can't watch The Autumn Defense. Lame.
As an update, my professor at UF wrote me and pointed me in the right direction. Now all I have to do as actually get something done.
Emrod is supposed to be returning on Thursday, and the Benson is also making a trip up at some point this weekend. Life is good (as well as beautiful).
Hope all is well.
P.S. If I have the willpower, I plan on taking an hiatus from Facebook and AIM for a few days soon in order to be more productive for a season. We'll see if actually happens.
I LOVE Life is Beautiful, one of my all time favorite movies. And I know understand why you haven't been online every time I get on =) Hope you're doing well...
I saw that movie for the first time sometime in May. It was great, etc. But my favorite part of the whole experience was talking with my college roommate afterwards (who can be snarky about things that he feels pressure to like, but who's really a great guy... oh wait! you know him!), who was like, "Yeah, I guess it was ok. I just have issues with the Dad lying to the kid. It's bad child-rearing to build so much upon a foundation of deceit. Yuck."
This was Jon pushing about five of my buttons at once... it was one of those moments when a good friend is being so serious but saying things that are so ridiculous you just have to laugh. Know what I mean? So now, even though I loved the movie, college roommate comes into my head every time I think of it. :)
Wonder what those actors (slash-director) are doing, now?
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