Friday, July 14, 2006


Part One: Updates and Goodies

So, the first exciting bit of news is that Robin, Chris, and I have bought tickets to see Sufjan Stevens (with My Brightest Diamond) in Atlanta on September 20. It's a Wednesday night, which will be intense, but there may be camping involved.

The second thing is that for all of you who are not on Fbook (by necessity or by choice), I have posted a bunch of pictures for your enjoyment.

First, from the first visit with Emily:


Second, a ton of pictures from Chicago:

Part 1: The Train, Devon, UChicago
Part 2: Downtown and The Taste
Part 3: The Art Institute
Part 4: Downtown and Wicker Park

Finally, I have created a place for you to keep up with whatever meager musical attempts I make. Last night I decided to stay up until 2:30 messing around with only my laptop, my voice, Logic Express, and an iTalk. You can download the result here:

My Downloads

You can also get that version of These Days that I made. There are lots of mistakes in it, and it's terrible quality, but whatever.

Part Two: Emily's Second Visit

Emily visited yesterday, which was great (as usual). We ate at a place called State Café downtown, and then of course got some coffee at the South Bend Chocolate Café. Then she took me to the grocery store (for which I was much obliged), where we scrambled to acquire the items necessary to make brownies. Then we rented Bottle Rocket from Hollywood Video. It was fitting, really. It was the last Wes Anderson I hadn't seen. I very much enjoyed it, although not as much as Tenebaums. I need to see it again, though, to really rank it. Of course, even an early, less polished Wes Anderson is still leagues beyond most average movies.

We finished off the night with dinner at Fridays. It was a great day. If I haven't proclaimed it publicly before, the world must know that Emily Roderick is freaking awesome. All who do not know her must make contact immediately. Be prepared, Emily, be prepared.

Then I got pretty miserable (I had been feeling pretty down most of the day), called Chris, and spent four hours making music in a study room downstairs.

Part Three: Promises

So today I slept in and missed class due to my musical endeavors last night. Then I went to the library for a while to work and to watch Promises. It's a really great documentary about Israeli and Palestinian children. Very, very well made. It really struck me how different childhood in America is compared to over there. Those of you interested in the Middle East (cough Whitney cough) should check it out.

Now I shall go eat some dinner (with grape tomatoes and leftover brownies) and then make more music. I'll probably call people as well.

MBenson is coming next weekend, I think.

Did I mention I'm going to see Sufjan?



Anonymous said...

you lead a charmed life, my friend. if you talk to sufjan, tell him he needs to come to brussels. (he can even stay in my flat.)

Anonymous said...

wait wait wait. he needs to come to BRUSSELS? if you're gonna talk to sufjan, how 'bout you start with immediate family?
ok. i guess he can go to brussels. sigh.