Saturday, May 27, 2006

Do you not believe that I am in the Father, and the Father is in Me?

I wish that the answer to that question were as easy as I would like it to be.

The following are lyrics by Wilco that precisely describe a recurring fear I have based on prior experiences:

"She appears in his dreams
But in his car and in his arms
A dream can mean anything
A cheap sunset on a television set can upset her
But he never could

Remember to remember me
Standing still in your past
Floating fast like a hummingbird"

Can anyone relate?

I learned how to play that song yesterday. It was exciting.

I spent a pretty decent amount of time interacting with Charlie today. As usual we had some thought-provoking conversation about things like Christian interaction with art, technology and music, and the way the internet has impacted social interaction. Part of that conversation was about blogging. We talked about how blogs are often a very one-sided view of a human being where that person is only posting when s/he is at emotional extremes or trying to entertain. I explained that part of my social experiment in having this blog is to be as honest as possible without crossing the line of being inappropriately personal. I'm not sure if that makes any sense. I'm never going to try to entertain, nor am I ever go to put up a front. I also plan on blogging regardless of my emotional state, so you don't have some wacky picture of me as this morbidly depressed middle-class white guy who is upset that he doesn't get all that he wants out of this life (shudder). I don't need a blog to be my therapist (that's why I have a piano...or God...that would probably be the correct answer).

And of course, if a person only uses blogs and profiles to know someone, something is already wrong.

Thought-provoking lyric of the moment: "...trusting things beyond mistake." - Sufjan Stevens, "Palisades"

What does that mean?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can relate, except not about a girl =) OBVIOUSLY. As for the Sufjan...trusting things beyond mistake... I wish I knew.