Friday, May 19, 2006

"I've got to get a library, quick!"

Well, Dr. Langdon, you better spend a lot of time there. I am, however, stealing that line of the movie whenever I go to the library (which is quite often).

I just saw The DaVinci Code. It was a pretty entertaining and decent film. Tom Hanks is pretty good in it, and Audrey Tatou (Amélie) can do virtually no wrong in my eyes (though she's not particularly remarkable in this movie).

Of course, the movie is only good if you try not to pay attention to some of its grievous historical errors and its pretty nauseating religious agenda (as spoken by Langdon towards the end). I won't spoil it here. In fact, I won't even continue to talk about the movie for fear of giving away the twists and turns.

However, I will leave you with my esteemed colleague Alex's one sentence summary of the movie: "It's like National Treasure, except with Jesus."

That being said, if any of you are interested in understanding where Dan Brown goes wrong, check out this remarkable article:

Not InDavincible

Oh, and as a word of warning, I am getting the idea that the movie leaves out a ton of stuff from the book.

More from me some time in the near future.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A really interesting thing is to look up "Priory of Sion" on Wikipedia. Oh, it's funny the things Mr. Brown claims are "true". We'll forgive him, but God won't...heh... I plan on seeing it as soon as I can. And I'm glad to hear you thought it was decent so every article says it's horrible. Which made me sad.