Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Memento, Fargo, Life

Tony loaned me several excellent movies, and I have watched two of them so far.

First up was Memento. I really enjoyed it and/because it got me thinking. This may be an odd connection, but I feel like I have no short-term memory when it comes to my Christianity. I feel like I need a tattoo on my chest that says "CHRIST DIED FOR YOU" to remind me every morning of my identity. Oh wait - the Holy Spirit.

I watched Fargo this afternoon. I liked it a lot. Margie is a fantastic character, and William H. Macy's portrayal of guilt is just incredible. I didn't glean any theological insights from it, which was kind of refreshing. And I have some family in Minnesota, so that was kind of fun.

I've been doing a lot of thinking these days due to my readings and interactions and such. Thinking a lot about idolatry, ordinary life, etc. I saw a bit of "John Hagee Today" this evening and it made me a little nauseated. The basic premise was how to have God's best in your life - how to experience "the promised land" today. The guy said flat out that people who said our reward is in heaven are wrong. It is utterly ridiculous to think that there is any way you could NOT have God's best for you as a Christian; as if God doesn't work for your good, as if He hasn't already saved your soul. It's sickening. Tell that to the persecuted church around the world. Are you going to tell Christians living in poverty in India or Asia that they need to buck up and claim their inheritance? Nonsense.

I'm done. Have a good night, all. Let me know if you need anything.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm SOOOO glad you said "nauseated" and not "nauseous". because it drives me craaaazy when people do that. did you know i own memento and i've never watched it? hm.